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Bluegrass Time

Posted by on February 24, 2019

For those of you still hanging around Quartzsite, this week we have the Bluegrass On The Beach Festival up in Lake Havasu City.  You’ll have a fun toe-tapping time on the shore for 3 days of great music. There will also be arts, crafts, and music vendors. Gates open for dry camping this Monday.

If you choose to stay in Quartzsite, The QIA will be having a Craft Faire and Yard Sale.

Don’t go home just yet. Next month we have a county fair for you and the Renaissance Faire is coming as well as one more festival. The party ain’t over yet!


“Bluegrass On The Beach” Festival
March 1, 2019 – March 3, 2019 Lake Havasu State Park, # 4, 699 London Bridge Rd., Lake Havasu City 10am-6:30pm (Fri/Sat); 10am-5pm (Sun)

QIA Craft Faire and Yard Sale
March 2, 2019 QIA 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

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