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Food Donations Needed

Posted by on January 28, 2018

Not everyone who lives or camps in Quartzsite is well off. The Quartzsite Food Bank helps many people keep food on the table and they could use your donations of food or money to continue helping them. I remember a time as a young under-employed family when we lived on hot dogs and mac n’ cheese. It was not a fun time.

The food bank has food donation boxes around town at Dollar General, RoadRunner Market, Family Dollar, Silly Al’s Restaurant, Horizon Community Bank, Quartzsite General Store and the Town Hall/Library. Items they need are canned, boxed or packaged food including meat, vegetables, dinners, pasta, peanut butter, snack bars, water and other beverages including juice.

You can also help by attending their Live, Love, Laugh, Line Dance Fundraiser on January 29, 2018 at the QIA from 11am – 2pm $5 charge. No partner needed. Learn new dances. There will be refreshments and prizes.

For more information or to make a cash donation, go to .

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