The Quartzsite Historical Society manages the local museum and meets in the Quartzsite city library. Admission to the museum is free but donations are accepted and helpful. Parking in the back.
They also have field trips which are interesting and provide more than just going on your own.

Across from McDonalds
PO Box 640
Quartzsite, AZ 85346

Hours 10am -10pm
Great pizza and sports on TV. Usually very crowded with a waiting line but worth it.
DRY CAMPING $6/night
Dump $12 • Water $6
In the rear of Silly Al’s Bar
Ask for Mike

Hours: Mon – Thurs 9-5, Fri. 9-4
Lunch 12:30-1:30pm

BLM certified
Full Solar Installations with FLAT RATE Pricing
Refrigerators, Hot Water Heaters, Water Pumps
Service on all Makes and Models ~ 15 years Experience
Extensive experience with vintage and new Airstreams
MC/Visa Accepted ~ Discount for Veterans

c/o General Delivery
Quartzsite, AZ 85346-9999
Pick up at 80 W Main St Post Office

Are you interested in metal detecting and sharing it with others in a fun social atmosphere? This may be the club for you! They meet at the QIA monthly and have regular outings and hunts.
Most coin hunts cost $20 each hunter or $25 if hunter is not a club member.
Membership is $20 per person.
See their website for more info on meetings, events, and how to join.

From their website:
“…Quartzsite Improvement Assoc headquarters in Arizona for the POWWOW Rock & Gem Show and great community events throughout the winter “season”.
We are a non profit, community based, all volunteer group of people wanting to help the Quartzsite area and all the wonderful visitors we get here every year.”
For only a $5 per season membership fee, they hold dances, bingo, dinners, educational seminars, exercise classes, shows, and much more.
Office Hours are 9am to Noon
Monday thru Friday – November to late March

Next to the freeway so traffic will be loud.