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Countdown to Big Tent

Quartzsite Big Tent
Posted by on January 14, 2018

The busiest week of the season is here at last! The Big Tent is all setup and vendors are moving in. Customers will have to wait until Saturday to get in as the excitement builds and the strays roll in to camp in the surrounding desert. Remember to leave plenty of space between neighbors, run your generators only as much as is absolutely necessary during decent hours, keep control of your pets, and play nice. Everyone is there to have fun and enjoy the warmer temps so check the attitudes and mind your manners. Check the local radio station for cool tunes from OUR time.

Tyson Wells Sell-A-Rama opens this week for more shopping choices. We have both the Havasu Balloon Festival and the Blythe Bluegrass Festival for entertainment. I love them both! Since they happen at the same time, you will need to do some planning to hit both on the best days. You may also want to plan to attend the QIA PowWow. You HAM operators will also want to make time for your Quartzfest. Decisions! Decisions! We also have the wonderful annual shows put on by Paul Winer for afternoon or evening entertainment.

Oh my. So busy this week. Take it easy and don’t forget to kick back with friends this week.

Havasu Balloon FestivalBlythe Bluegrass Festival


Annual QIA Pow Wow
January 17 – January 21, 2018 QIA

Havasu Balloon Festival and Fair
January 19 – January 21, 2018 1040 Lake Havasu State Park, Windsor 4, 171 London Bridge Rd., Lake Havasu City 6am-9pm

Tyson Wells Sell-A-Rama
January 19 – January 28, 2018 Tyson Wells

Blythe Annual Bluegrass Music Festival
January 19 – January 21, 2018 Colorado River Fairgrounds, Blythe, CA

January 20 – January 28, 2018 1/2 mile south of I-10 on Hwy. 95 from 9 am to 5 pm

Paul Winer Show
January 21 & January 22, 2018 QIA- 2 pm & 7pm

Quartzfest Amateur Radio Operators Gathering
January 21 – January 27, 2018 Road Runner BLM near mile marker 99

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